Friday, January 15, 2010

Another Fav Book!

So I have a bit of a collection of cookbooks. Not sure of an exact number around 35. Tell me do you think that is too many or not enough? To me I need more! Well o.k. maybe need is the wrong word I want more. I am always wanting more. For Christmas I got 2 new cookbooks and my son got 1. I can't wait to use them. But I am not writing about those today. Today I want to talk about a book I bought in 1992 I think. My edition was written in 1990. The new deluxe edition is written in 2009. The book is called Food Lover's Companion. My copy says on the front, "comprehensive definitions of over 3000 food wine and culinary terms." The new deluxe edition says " more then 6,700 entries." Wow I thought over 3000 was pretty good. Basically what the book is, is it's a dictionary for the kitchen. An amazing one at that. Have you ever had a recipe that lists an ingredient and you wonder what on earth is that? Or recommends a cooking term and you have no idea what that means? Or say your in the grocery store and you see an item in the fruits and veggies and scratch your head wondering what is that? Well then this book is for you. Pretty much there is everything in here. I have found this book an invaluable tool. I even read it just for fun. There is so much good stuff in here. Did you know that "the Aztec king Montezuma so believed that chocolate was an aphrodisiac that he purportedly drank 50 golden goblets of it each day." You can find that under Chocolate no doubt. Or that white chocolate is not real chocolate. So next time you have spending money or your birthday rolls around you need to get or ask for the Food Lover's Companion. You wont regret it.


  1. Oh my! Just did a quick count of my cookbooks. I have 96!! Many of them are booklets, but I was a bit shocked, nevertheless! ;oD

  2. Wow 96! Thats lots. What are your favs?

  3. Hey do you have this one? You really should. I want to get it now and get rid of my old one.

  4. Hmmm.... it's hard to pick a favorite. I only have a handful in English. It's too much of a hassle to convert everything from lbs and ounces to metrics, and Fahrenheit into Celcius. Plus there are often lots of ingredients in American recipes that I 1) don't know, or 2) can't get in our regular stores.

  5. Ah I hear ya. Some times you read an ethnic recipe and go what the heck is that? I see I have a ways to catch up to you in collecting cookbooks. Does your husband also tell you you have to many cookbooks? LOL

  6. Yes, he does! And he often repeats it when I talk of yet another cookbook that I'd like to have!
    But, see, I actually use them! It doesn't always happen on a regular basis, but I like to sit down during the weekend with a selection of 4-5 cookbooks and plan out the following week's meals.

  7. I am with you on keeping them all! Maybe one day you want to prune back but that should be at your leisure. I only have about 35 and Ben thinks that is too many. Crazyness I say. I do sometimes go onto the internet and look up a recipe. But I do so love to pour over my cookbooks. I see why you would like to buy more. They keep coming out with new ones. Hey did you see the movie Julie Julia?

  8. No, I haven't seen it, but would really like to. I'll have to rent it.
    About pruning.... I do that every time I buy a new cookbook and can't make room for it. The problem is I don't want to get rid of anymore ;o)

  9. Charlotte it is an awesome movie. I think you would really like it.
    I hear you pruning is a hard thing to do when it comes to cookbooks.
